Blog: June 2012

surfboard towel racks

All of the 1080 wooden objects are unique ones offs, except for the surfboard towel racks. But each set is a little different from the others.

I really like making these. Like hand shaping a miniature twin fin (usually). dimensions are about 2'x9"x.75"

the fins are firmly set into the boards using through tenons. while i don't recommend it, I've hung off the fins before. the original boards have been in use for over 5 years now and haven't broken a fin.

The boards come ready to be hung. Order up a quiver!


single fin Stinger. pine board with cedar stringer and fins

a 3 set of single fins. pine with cedar fins

the stinger and 2 twinnies.

the 'opposite' quiver. Built for the 'Cedar House'. Cedar boards with pine stringer and fins

a closer look at one of the cedar boards

pine and cedar boards.

snowflake shelves

for the first post on old projects I'm putting up one of my original builds (in recent times).

It's a pine and cedar shelf unit with wedged thru tenons. It was built quite a handful of years ago while I only owned a jig saw, router and a few chisels. Took a long while to get it all built but it turned out pretty good i think.

the snowflakes are carved into the pine supports. They're painted white and the pine is stained. The cedar shelves are just clear coated with varathane.




getting going..


I think the site's looking good and coming along, but please check back into the blog as I'll regularly post more detailed posts on some of the wooden objects.



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